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Most-asked-about topics on Instagram I can give you a general idea of some of the most popular topics that people tend to talk about on Instagram: 1. Fashion and beauty: Instagram is known for being a hub of fashion and beauty influencers, with many users sharing their outfits, makeup looks, and product reviews. 2. Food and drink: From restaurant recommendations to home-cooked meals, Instagram users love to share their food and drink experiences. 3. Travel: People love to share their travel experiences on Instagram, from exotic destinations to hidden gems in their own cities. 4. Fitness and wellness: Instagram has become a popular platform for fitness and wellness influencers to share workout routines, healthy recipes, and wellness tips. 5. Music and entertainment: Many celebrities and artists use Instagram to share behind-the-scenes glimpses into their lives and promote their work. 6. Pets: People love to share photos and videos of their furry friends on Instagram, making it a popular platform for pet lovers. 7. Personal growth and development: Instagram has become a platform for motivational speakers, life coaches, and personal development influencers to share inspiring messages and advice. These are just a few examples of popular topics on Instagram, but the platform is home to a diverse range of interests and communities.

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